Studying engineering physics, researching solar energy and holding the chairmanship of the youth organization, Union of Youth Researchers, were important steps on the journey toward realizing the dream of generating heat from sunlight. Joakim Byström also took part in the UN Commission for Sustainable Development panel and initiated the Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

Joakim Byström, CEO
In 2002, his family company Logosol financed a research project on solar concentrators. The project involved a dozen projects, including projects at several of Swedens most reputable universities and the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. In 2005, the project took a more focused approach with the goal of creating a commercial product.
Today Absolicon has 20 installations on three continents.
The company Absolicon Solar Collector was established in 2005, and work began on full-scale prototypes with the support of the Energimyndigheten (Swedish Energy Agency).
Today, Absolicon is a business company with 20 installations on three continents and 30 employees i three cities.
The next part of the journey in conquering the world with solar concentrators is to establish a distributor network in export markets and make the sales volumes more efficient.
Welcome on board as a distributor or customer!