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Collector Performance

Unique technology

A solar collector system must last for 25 years whether it is in desert areas or polar regions, needing to withstand hail storms, hurricanes, and extreme temperatures. Absolicon T160 is the first concentrating solar collector in the world to meet these requirements.

The Absolicon T160 collector is constructed with solid materials and covered by a protective glass. Each component contributes to the total, record high, performance of the collector and result in low maintenance and a minimum of cleaning and service cost. The expected performance degradation of Absolicon solar collectors during the 25 years lifetime is maximum 10 %.

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Absolicon has a unique technology, based on 20 years of research, for extracting energy in different forms using concentrated solar collectors. Our solar collector Absolicon T160 contains world-class components giving it the highest optical efficiency ever measured. The Absolicon T160 Solar collector was the first of its kind to be certified with Solar Keymark in Europe and has since attained ICC-SRCC certification for North America.

Record high performance & low maintenance.

Absolicon has, through its own research and various collaborations, found methods that reduce cost and raise performance levels of our products. Each component of the AbsoliconT160  contributes to the total, record high, performance.

In tests at The Swiss Institut für Solartechnik (SPF) in Rapperswil Absolicon T160s Solar collector  has shown to have an optical efficiency of 76.4 %. The highest number ever achieved for a small parabolic trough.

The German certification body DIN CERTCO has granted Absolicon T160 the quality certification – Solar Keymark – for a concentrating solar collector. The Absolicon T160 is the first solar concentrator in the world to be certified with the Solar Keymark certification.

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Absolicon solar collector T160

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