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Easy Solar Heat Integration to existing systems

Easy Solar Heat Integration To existing heating Systems

Easy to integrate

Switching to more sustainable Green Technologies might look like a huge leap, but we know how to simplify this process.

The transition from fossil fuel to Green Solar Thermal energy, in fact, needs “easy to install” and “trouble-free” solutions.

Our goal is to provide sustainable, cost-saving, turn-key solar solutions that will help industries to solve the climate puzzle, ensuring energy security.

It is important to realize that Heating is Half of the Total Energy Consumption.

But let´s talk about how to integrate solar heat into existing heating systems!

Watch the video and Learn more about Solar Heat Integration

Solar Thermal Heat Integration

The first thing that should be said is that Solar Thermal Energy can be integrated at multiple points of the existing Heating Systems and can supply industries Heat, Steam, and Cooling Processes.

Major applications for Solar Energy include industries, district heating and residential properties with large energy needs all year long.

But let´s introduce our approach to Solar Heat Integration.

Firstly, the integration starts with our simulations team identifying the most Suitable Heating Processes.

Secondly, the installation of an Absolicon T160 Solar Collector-Field.

Furthermore, our Collector-Field is easy to install, based on the conditions of the site or building, and can easily be remounted if the need for land usage changes.

The Solar Central acts as an interface between the end user’s application and the solar field and is the key to successful integration.

The Solar Central is Customised based on customer and applications needs such as hot water, steam, and hot air.

The Smart Control algorithms and reliable equipment ensure the safe and efficient operation of the solar field.

Absolicon Field Simulator

To help industries rapidly calculate the effective Savings that they would have by building their own Solar Collector Field, we have developed a Field Simulator.

Absolicon´s Field Simulator it´s a very intuitive tool that allows you to quickly calculate the Advantages and Savings of turning into Solar Thermal Energy for your business.

Evaluate the potentials of your own Solar Thermal Field in 4 Simple Steps:

  • Locate your Field: you can select directly from Google Maps or enter the address;
  • Enter the desired production temperature;
  • Enter the current energy source for an immediate benchmark;
  • Enjoy your results and share them if you want to.

Try Our Free Field Simulator and start your journey towards Green Technologies today:

Field Simulator. Try it now!

Field Simulator. Try it now!

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