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RTC selected Absolicon installation with Colgate-Palmolive as solar thermal case study


The Renewable Thermal Collaborative (RTC) has published a case study of the Absolicon solar thermal rooftop installation for Colgate-Palmolive in Athens, Greece. The case study shows how renewable thermal installations can be win-wins for pursuing both sustainability and financial objectives.

RTC is the global coalition for renewable heat. The members are multinational heat users like Unilever, Nike and Pepsico looking to find renewable solutions. Some of the world’s largest companies cooperate with technology suppliers to understand the problems in the market and overcome barriers to renewable heat.

RTC has now done the first case study on solar thermal and have selected the Absolicon installation with Colgate-Palmolive in Athens, Greece. To advance their decarbonization goals, Colgate-Palmolive installed a Absolicon solar thermal system on the roof of their home goods manufacturing facility.

After considering other renewable options, Colgate-Palmolive chose solar thermal because it integrates with their existing system, could be installed without pausing production, provides a stable energy source, requires minimal space, and has a short payback period.

The system’s installation avoids 39 tons of Scope 1 emissions each year, contributing to Colgate-Palmolive’s 2025 Sustainability & Social Impact Strategy and 2022 Climate Transition & Net Zero Action Plan. The project also resulted in net cost savings, with a short project payback period and a double-digit rate of return.

The deployment was so successful that the company installed a second system at the same location three years later. Read the RTC’s case study to learn more:

2024-09-02 Read the articlearrow 2024-03-10 Read the articlearrow

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