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Production line capacity

Absolicon has designed a Production line for commercial production of the concentrating Absolicon T160 Solar collector. The production capacity and production economy are optimized by producing the product in one continuous motion from material to finished product, with no storage of intermediates.

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The production process

The production process is divided into 6 working stations. All stations are operated with a 6 minute cycle time, resulting in a total production capacity of 100,000 m2 of solar collectors annually. The maximum production capacity is obtained with a total of 10 crew members.

One collector produced every six minutes.

The production precision is integrated into the framework of both product design and production process. All manual tasks are designed for fail-proof operation and all components are designed for one-configuration mounting. To allow early detection of equipment deterioration, sub-component flaws, or operator errors, every solar collector undergoes comprehensive automatized optical testing, as an integrated part of the production process. The testing procedure also verifies that only perfect products are delivered to the final customer.

Absolicon Solar collectors production line stations

Premises Requirements

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Looking forward to answer your questions


Briss Taipe


Business Engineer PL



+46 611-55 70 00

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