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HEMAB’s Energy Park is growing with new technology. The first stone has been placed with a $ 175 000 investment in steam producer solar panels. Absolicon, Alfa Laval, Konica Minolta and HEMAB collaborate in this project. The goal is a pilot plant that shows how major industries in the future may replace oil with solar energy.
With the first stone now in place, the Swedish Energy Agency has granted $ 175 000 to cooperate in the construction of a solar heating system that will produce steam from the sun.
– Large CO2 emissions occur when industries burn oil in order to generate steam that is then used in the production of clothing, food and other products consumed worldwide. This project entails the further development of our solar thermal collectors so that the light of the sun generates steam hence replacing the oil industry, says Joakim Byström, Managing Director of Absolicon.
The pilot plant with this new technology is to be built by Absolicon in Härnösands Energy Park, in collaboration with Alfa Laval, Konica Minolta and Härnösand Energy and Environment (HEMAB). The solar collectors will be connected to the district heating network but the plant’s main purpose will be demonstration and research.
[PICTURE] The first stone –or the first stroke! – of the Energy Park, Joakim Bystrom and Ingemar Forzelius
HEMAB’s Energy Park in Härnösand was inaugurated in 2011 and is a venue for training and research in which different companies, together with HEMAB, can try out new energy sources and connect to the electricity grid and district heating network.
– The project is truly a win-win situation, says Ingemar Fozelius, president of HEMAB. Absolicon gets the chance to showcase their new technology and the residents of Härnösand will receive a part of their heat directly fr
om the sun through our district network.
The project’s goal is a new generation of solar panels that can be mass produced and installed at low cost. Alfa Laval also benefits from the knowledge in this overall project since it is the world’s largest manufacturers of heat exchanger plates and interested in new energy technologies.
The first stone –or the first stroke! – of the Energy Park, Joakim Bystrom and Ingemar Forzelius